
Fremantle Early Learning Centre is renowned for its focus on community culture – bringing together wonderful staff, a parent-led management committee and the families of our children.

Meet our people

Our members

We are a not-for-profit incorporated association. Family members and the broader community are invited to become members of the association.

As a member you’re playing an important role in securing the future of FELC. You are welcome to attend and vote at General Meetings. You can also nominate to become a member of the Management Committee at FELC’s AGM.

Stamp reading 'founded 1987'

Where it all began

Fremantle Early Learning Centre has a rich history of multiculturalism. Back in 1987 mothers who had migrated to Fremantle from their home countries needed childcare for their children.

This is when they came together and founded what was then known as the Beaconsfield International Child Care Centre (the sign is still above our front door!).