Project and inquiry-based learning is the heart of the Yongka room, where children’s knowledge, ideas and thinking is celebrated and supported.
Our room is always abuzz with activity as our children build confidence and independence.
Our outdoor garden and nature playground is huge and full of wondrous spaces for children to take ownership of their own play and learning.
Up high is where you’ll find the children, whether it be from one of the many trees or the fort, shouting ‘Hi’ to our regular council bin collector or Dave our handyman.
The Yongka children love to get dirty, building dams using the water pump that runs down to the sandpit, making campfires using loose pieces of logs, and jumping in muddy puddles using our popular rain suits.
In the Yongka room, there is no such thing as bad weather – just bad clothing!
Project and inquiry-based learning is the heart of the Yongka room. Children’s knowledge, ideas and thinking is celebrated and supported through learning that is constantly extended upon with the guidance of their peers and educators.
Loose parts and natural materials are a big part of the environment, encouraging children to learn about the world we live in and the importance of being sustainable.
The children are very inquisitive and love to see what’s going on in the community park situated behind FELC. They also love the opportunity to interact with the younger children and help them where they can.
Outdoor rest beneath the big Carab tree on the deck is loved by many of the Yongka children, where they are given the option to have a mat, a book and rest in a quiet and relaxing spot.
The educators incorporate aspects of literacy and numeracy into creative, hands-on learning experiences for the children to ensure it is inclusive and age-appropriate for all children.
If you have any questions about our centre or how to enrol, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.