Subsidies and Support

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Is your family eligible for the Child Care Subsidy? To get the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) you must:

  • care for a child 13 or younger 
  • use an approved child care service (FELC is an approved provider)
  • be responsible for paying the child care fees
  • meet residency and immunisation requirements.

Access more information about the CCS through the Services Australia website.

Additional financial support from the Australian Government can be found here.

And of course our team is happy to help – come see us in the office.

The Raising Children Network contains a wealth of knowledge for parents of young children. You can access information directly via the website, by signing up to email newsletters or you can opt to receive milestone and article notifications via the Storypark app.

They also host an informative podcast called Raising Learners.

Podcasts to tune into
  1. We recommend listening to the fabulous Maggie Dent podcast: Parental as Anything.
  2. One for the Dad’s… The Dad Kit. Each week, host Sean Szeps sits down with a well-known Aussie dad to unpack some of the knotty cultural ideas we have about fathers and finds out what’s really going on in the minds of modern men.
  3. And a little bit of fun… yet still educational – Bluey Pod. Two Melbourne mums obsessed with ABC TV’s Bluey, deconstruct the episodes and how it relates to parenting in the real world. 
Other great resources